Our Youth outreach workers deliver a range of evidence based therapies including DBT (Dialectical Behavior Therapy), CBT (Cognitive Behavior Therapy) and trauma relating to addiction and substance use concerns. Counsellors provide individual counselling, advocacy, role modelling, youth focused groups and outreach through on-site, virtual and anywhere in the community. Youth Outreach counsellors work directly with clients to achieve their personal recovery goals.
Youth SMART Recovery groups are a self-empowering support group for clients up to the age of 25. Our focus is to create a safe atmosphere for youth struggling with addiction. Youth SMART focuses on ideas and techniques that work to support change from self-defeating behaviors. Youth SMART Recovery meeting’s use scientifically validated methods to create self-empowerment, and development towards a lifestyle free of addictive behavior while also supporting the Harm-Reduction Model of recovery. SMART is not a 12-step program, rather a program which is evidence-based and aims to build practical, proven, self-management, and recovery skills.
CASON has developed and implemented a Youth Peer Support program to better support youth struggling with addictive behaviors. Our Peer Support is modelled on the belief that lived experience is a great asset and addition to support positive lifestyle change. Peer support is not to replace counselling, rather to offer additional support through a lived experience lens. Our Peer Support team help co-facilitate group sessions, and are available for one-on-one contact with clients looking for additional lifestyle coaching.
RST is a six-month live-in program that provides a full treatment spectrum for male and male-identifying clients between the ages of 18 to 25. The program includes Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, daily life-skills and recreation.
Please note: This is not emergency housing.
Admission Criteria will include:
- Must participate in a comprehensive screening & assessment process in order to develop an appropriate treatment plan
- Must participate in services that support stabilization
- Agreement to abide by rules, policies and procedures of program, including refraining from smoking inside the housing units
- Ability to participate in self-management of unit and basic home maintenance with assistance
- Ability to manage personal health care
- Legitimate income source such as ODSP or OW
- No impending jail terms (otherwise go on wait list)
- No imminent danger to self, staff or other participants
Referral Process
- Current clients of CASON should speak to their counsellor about a referral
- Referrals can be made by an individual or by another service provider to CASON by calling 905-684-1183.
- Once a referral is received a Counsellor will reach out to the individual to discuss the program and process.
In partnership with Niagara Region Mental Health’s Early Intervention program, this program offers comprehensive treatment planning and individualized therapy for individuals up to age of 25 who are experiencing untreated addiction and mental health concerns.
A formal diagnosis is not required. Services can be provided in our office sites, in the client’s home or at a location of their choice in the community.
Dialectical Behaviour Therapy (DBT) is an evidenced-based treatment program that is effective in treating a wide range of disorders such as substance dependence, borderline personality disorder, post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and depression. It balances thoughts, emotions and behaviors by enhancing skills to regulate emotion and reduce/eliminate high risk behaviors. The individuals learn to take action in their own life creating a renewed “life worth living.”
In partnership with Pathstone Mental Health, CASON counsellors provide on-site evidence-based DBT therapy to youth (under 25) through weekly skills groups while accompanied by their loved one of choice. (parent, grandparent, caregiver etc.). Families will learn how to develop adaptive coping skills for managing family crises while supporting youth’s effort to learn new skills and manage difficult emotions.
Do you know a child that has a significant person in their life (such as a family member, or other person with which they have frequent contact) that has an addiction issue?
Do you want them to learn more effective ways of coping with this experience?
If so, this 8 week therapeutic group might be for them!
*Partnership with Powerhouse
In partnership with the Niagara District School Board CASON provides on-site, in-community and virtual counselling for students struggling with addiction/substance abuse and comorbid disorders. School personnel, family members and youth themselves can request an appointment with our school-based substance use counsellors. Services are provided in either individual or group contexts for both youth and family members. Educational groups for ‘high-risk’ students designed to increase knowledge and induce positive choices through interactive and thought-provoking activities are provided at the request of school personnel.
R.I.S.E / Pathways (Reducing Incidents of Suspension and Expulsion): Partnered with the DSBN and John Howard Society. Youth Substance Use Counsellors supports individuals with setting goals, identifying triggers and developing healthy coping strategies to support their recovery.
Brock University: In partnership with Brock University CASON provides on campus substance use counsellors that provide individual weekly workshops surrounding mental health, substances/alcohol and overall wellness relating to student life.
Referrals are accepted from multiple-sources, including, but not limited to:
- Self-referral by phone
- Community agencies and organizations
- Internal referrals
- Contact CASON by phone: 905-684-1183
- Once connected with CASON, you will speak with our youth services coordinate to determine next steps.
CASON operates satellite offices throughout the Niagara region to better serve clients wherever they are. For all inquiries, please call our main line. 905-684-1183.